Pricing information

If you have pre-paid registrations under your organization’s maintenance contract and have inquiries, please reach out to

Registration Types Registration Includes: 2024 Full Price
General Attendee Registration
  • Registration fee for attendee includes all food and beverage, welcome bag, social events, all lectures and workshops, and in-conference transportation.

Guest at ALL Networking/Social Events
  • Includes all food, drink and activities in the evening during the Users Conference (Welcome Reception, Demo Room Opening, Wednesday Night Event, and Thursday Closing Banquet Dinner).

Guest at Banquet Dinner ONLY
  • Dinner and activities at Closing Banquet (all food, drink and activities included for this event only).
Registration Types Registration Includes: 2024 Full Price 2024 Early Bird
General Attendee Registration
  • Registration fee for attendee includes all food and beverage, welcome bag, social events, all lectures and workshops, and in-conference transportation.

Guest at ALL Networking/Social Events
  • Includes all food, drink and activities in the evening during the Users Conference (Welcome Reception, Demo Room Opening, Wednesday Night Event, and Thursday Closing Banquet Dinner).

Guest at Banquet Dinner ONLY
  • Dinner and activities at Closing Banquet (all food, drink and activities included for this event only).

Early bird registration pricing expires on June 1st, 2023. Take advantage of lower pricing and register before the date.

© 2024 IDEMIA Public Security North America. All rights reserved.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Oklahoma City. If you have questions on registration or need clarification on classes, sessions, or attendance, please feel free to reach out to

Registration not open yet

Registration for the 2023 IDEMIA Justice And Public Safety Users Conference will open soon!