We look forward to seeing everyone in Oklahoma City. If you have questions on registration or need clarification on classes, sessions, or attendance, please feel free to reach out to UsersConference@us.idemia.com
Learn more about our IDEMIA Public Security Users Conference Executive Users Board members.
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Kentucky State Police
Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Kentucky State Police
Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)
Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)
AFIS Manager, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
AFIS Manager, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
Maine State Bureau of Identification
Maine State Bureau of Identification
AFIS Supervisor, Toronto Police Service
AFIS Supervisor, Toronto Police Service
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Chair, Delaware State Police
Chair, Delaware State Police
Member, Louisiana State Police CJIS
Member, Louisiana State Police CJIS
Member, National Police of Netherlands
Member, National Police of Netherlands
We look forward to seeing everyone in Oklahoma City. If you have questions on registration or need clarification on classes, sessions, or attendance, please feel free to reach out to UsersConference@us.idemia.com