Multi-Biometric Search Services (MBSS)
Built for multi-biometric identification, MBSS is designed for both accuracy and speed, compares biometric data to establish if a person already exists in a database. It employs IDEMIA’s top performing biometric algorithms for fingerprint and palm print identification, iris recognition, facial recognition and tattoo recognition. These algorithms consistently perform at the top of NIST rankings. Incorporated into IDEMIA’s identity and security products, MBSS is also available to major third-party integrators. MBSS provides three main categories of services, depending on the end use and the delivered version:
- Biometric matching services, including 1:n identification searches, 1:1 authentications and forensic searches of latent prints.
- Image processing services, including feature extraction, template creation, image segmentation and sequence checking.
- Database management services including adding, updating and removing identity records.